This is climate change

It’s one thing to hear about Climate Change, but another thing to experience its impact first-hand.
Filmmakers Danfung Dennis and Eric Strauss break that boundary between seeing and experiencing with their powerful virtual reality (VR) documentary series, This Is Climate Change. Horizon Festival presents two of the four films in the series in a 30min experience.

*Melting Ice* sets the stage with former Vice President Al Gore returning to Greenland to check on the rapidly diminishing glaciers. What once were fields of ice are now seas of water dotted by icebergs.
*Feast* takes participants into the heart of the Amazon Rainforest, described as the “lungs of the earth”. Here we become witness to the illegal logging that is tearing down nature’s Emerald City to make way for cattle pastures and slaughterhouses.
Following the two VR films, calculate your own carbon footprint and make a climate pledge with Reef Check Australia.
Two people per session, running every 45mins. Free, but bookings essential.
Not suitable for people who experience vertigo or vision impairment. To reduce the risk of personal injury, discomfort or property damage, please read the Oculus Health and Safety Warning.