Return to Vendor

Jamie Forsyth, is a man on a mission. He and his sister, Abigail Forsyth, founded the re-usable coffee cup 'KeepCup', and he was co-founder of the Blue Bag chain of cafes in Melbourne.
Therefore it was a no brainer for him to move onto his next business challenge that tackles the issue of single use takeaway food packaging.
The launch of his new venture 'Returnr' aims to address the environmental waste of buying takeaway food in plastic containers and then throwing them out.
When purchasing takeaway food, Returnr customers can borrow a recyclable metal bowl from participating outlets for a fee of $5, and on their next visit back, exchange it for a new one. With an increasing number of food outlets around Melbourne now offering Returnr bowls to their customers, Forsyth hopes this sustainable initiative can expand globally.
While Forsyth is no longer involved in KeepCup or Blue Bag, Son Monah, Blue Bag's new owner, is offering Returnr to her customers.