Go Plastic Free....and Plant a Tree!


Come help create a Plastic Free Sea by cleaning our beaches and replanting our dunes!

Come along to this free event and help keep our oceans Plastic Free!

Sunshine Coast Council is hosting a beach clean up and dune planting for National Tree Day at North Shore beach, Twin Waters. The beach clean up starts at 8am, help us sort the debris and learn more about source reduction and the Australian Marine Debris Initiative database. Our dunes need all the help they can get after this storm season - help us replant our dunes as a part of the celebrations for National Tree Day.

Make it a day at the beach and come and learn about our coast by exploring the Coastal Discovery Van and other exciting displays.

What to bring:

Hat and sun safe clothes and enclosed footwear.

We’re going for a Plastic Free event (especially single use plastics) so please bring reusable items wherever possible (eg. Water bottle and gloves)

We will have reusable gloves available and clean up bags for your use on the day.

For more information: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/go-plastic-freeand-plant-a-tree-tickets-370928255397

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