Breakfast Box recipe from 4 Ingredients


This simple and nutritious breakfast is another popular before school breakfast from 4 Ingredients.

#### This simple and nutritious breakfast is another popular before school breakfast from 4 Ingredients. Children just love the layers and it's an easy way to get them to eat fruit for the first important meal of the day. Just about any fruit can be used for this so Love Your Leftovers and use up whatever you have in the fridge - berries, mango, tinned peaches, sliced apple.

Serves 2
  • ¾ cup (185g) vanilla yoghurt
  • 1 small banana, sliced
  • 8 strawberries, hulled and quartered
  • ½ cup (55g) granola, plus extra for topping

Layer the ingredients into a parfait glass or pretty box beginning with fruit, then yoghurt, and then cereal. Repeat two more times to finish with a layer of cereal on top. Garnish with a strawberry or berry of your choice.

Plan breakfast for the week ahead, alternating between this recipe and the 4 Ingredients Banana Bix Shake (pictured next to the Breakfast Box).

Republished with permission from 4 Ingredients Kids in Colour.

Kim McCosker from 4 Ingredients recently took time out to speak with Living Smart about the food we throw away, and how busy families can use simple menu planning techniques to get more organised in the kitchen and prevent waste. Check out Kim's tips for menu planning in Love Your Leftovers with 4 Ingredients.

For more of Kim's gloriously simple recipes pick up a copy of 4 Ingredients Menu Planning or order one of the 4 Ingredients cookbooks, available in print or as an eBook.

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Council has developed self-assessable criteria to support residents wishing to enhance or beautify the road verge in front of their property. Verge gardens could include native, edible or rain gardens.

Plant a self-assessable verge garden

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