Buy local this Christmas – it’s a win win


Eating mangoes, fresh prawns, and listening to Mariah Carey on every radio station three times a day. It’s beginning to feel very festive on the Sunshine Coast and to celebrate, council has partnered with Buy Local Sunshine Coast to give away $2000 each week for four lucky winners to spend locally.

Sunshine Coast Council is encouraging the community to support our local businesses by shopping at a store with a door this Christmas.

Sunshine Coast Council Economic Development Portfolio Councillor Terry Landsberg said when our community bought from a local shop, they were supporting much more than just the local economy.

“The Sunshine Coast is home to more than 33,000 local businesses – many of which are small businesses owned by local individuals and families,” Cr Landsberg said.

“From July 2020 – June 2021 $7.213 billion was spent on the Sunshine Coast. Residents spent $1.75 billion outside the Sunshine Coast LGA and $2.5 billion online.

“That’s more than $4 billion that could be spent locally to support local businesses and create more local jobs.

“We are really hoping that after a very challenging couple of years, our community will rally behind their retailers, cafés and restaurants and support them by spending locally this festive season.

“The Buy Local, Win Local competition is a great incentive for our community to do their Christmas shopping here on the Sunshine Coast, and, they get a chance to win the weekly cash prize.”

Shoppers are also encouraged to visit the new Buy Local Sunshine Coast website to find the very best of our region’s products, food, and services.

Buy Local Sunshine Coast creator Claire Parkinson said the planform was all about building awareness of the importance of buying local, changing the mindset of consumers to support local first and putting small business in the spotlight right across the Sunshine Coast region.

“Our experience is that locals want to support locals, get to know and understand who is behind the scenes and feel good about supporting a local business,” Claire said.

“We know our wonderful Sunshine Coast community responds to projects that benefit their neighbourhood, protect their livelihood, and enhance employment opportunities.

“We are providing them with a platform that showcases the best the Sunshine Coast has to offer.”

Buy Local Sunshine Coast is supported by Sunshine Coast Council as an initiative of the Sunshine Coast Regional Economic Development Strategy.

To enter the weekly competition, spend $10 anywhere in the Sunshine Coast Local Government Area from 22 November 2021 to 19 December and simply upload the receipt to the Buy Local Sunshine Coast website. The first winner will be announced on Monday, November 29.

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The festive garden

From 17 – 21 December come and experience The Festive Garden—a new walk-through Christmas lights experience at the Maroochy Regional Bushland Botanic Garden. You’ll find Christmas lights in a magical setting, Santa and his elves, face painting and roving entertainment—all for free.

The festive garden

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