Kids ClimART


Make your mark with Yanni Van Zijl, exploring climate impacts and hopes through colour and craft.

# About this event

Artist Yanni van Zijl presents a special workshop series exploring climate change. 

Children and their caregivers will create several large and colourful group artworks - playing with paint, ink and charcoal using handmade brushes and tools.

Yanni will guide children and their caregivers to explore climate impacts, perceptions of change, actions for hope and intergenerational legacies.

The group artworks will be developed by Yanni into an installation called Winds of Change, to be publicly exhibited during Horizon Festival 2021, Friday 27 August - Sunday 5 September.

The Kids' ClimART workshop series is held at both bushland and wetland conservation areas. For workshops at Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary in Bli Bli, please register here.


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